András László verdiept zich al geruime tijd in de problematiek van business en spiritualiteit. Hij selecteerde een top-20 van boeken die een relatie zoeken tussen management en spiritualiteit:

1. The Spirit at Work Phenomenon

Sue Howard & David Welbourn

(Azure, 2004)

2. Liberating the Corporate Soul – Building a Visionary Organization

Richard Barrett

(Butterworth Heinemann, 1998)

3. Spiritual Capital – Wealth we Can Live By – Using our Rational, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence to Transform Ourselves and Corporate Culture

Danah Zohar & Ian Marshall

(Bloomsbury, 2004)

4. Leadership and the New Science – Discovering Order in a Chaotic World

Margaret J. Wheatley

(Berrett-Koehler, 1999)

5. The Intuitive Way – A Guide to Living from Inner Wisdom

Penney Peirce

(Beyond Words, 1997)

6. Manifeste pour une mutatation intérieure

Annick de Souzenelle

(Le Relié, 2003)

7. Managing with the Wisdom of Love – Un- covering Virtue in People and Organizations

Dorothy Marcic

(Jossey-Bass, 1997)

8. Community Building – Renewing Spirit & Learning in Business

Kazimierz Gozdz (red.)

(New Leaders Press, 1995)

9. Building a Win-Win World – Life Beyond Global Economics Warfare

Hazel Henderson

(Berrett-Koehler, 1996)

10. Good to Great – Why some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t

Jim Collins

(HarperBusiness, 2001)

11. Spiral Dynamics – Mastering Values, Leadership and Change

Don Edward Beck & Christopher C. Cowan

(Blackwell, 1996)

12. Presence – Human Purpose And The Field Of The Future

Peter Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski &

Betty Sue Flowers

(SoL, 2004)

13. Le plaisir des Idées – Devenir créatif

Luc De Brabandere & Anne Mikolajczak

(Dunod, 2002)

14. The Power of Impossible Thinking – Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business

Yoram Wind & Colin Crock

(Wharton School Publishing, 2004)

15. Action Inquiry – The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership

Bill Torbet

(Berrett-Koehler, 2004)

16. Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise

Philippe de Woot

(Economica, 2004)

17. Spirituality and Ethics in Management

László Zsolnai (red.)

(Springer, 2004)

18. Create the Business Breakthrough You Want – Secrets and Strategies from the World’s Greatest Mentors

John Robert Eggen (red.)

(Mission Publishing, 2004)

19. The New Alchemists – How Visionary People Make Something out of Nothing

Charles Handy

(Hutchinson, 2004)

20. There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Wayne W. Dyer

(Thorsons, 2001)

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